Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Nutrition and Vitamins to Get Pregnant Fast You Need to Know

Couples who are looking for a baby may need to consume nutrients and vitamins to get pregnant quickly. Some studies show that intake of certain nutrients and vitamins can help improve fertility. Then, what are the intended nutrients and vitamins? Having a baby is a dream and hope of many couples. If you are one of them, there are several efforts you can do to get pregnant quickly, one of which is through the intake of certain nutrients and vitamins. This is because what you consume will affect your overall health condition, including your fertility level.

Several types of nutrients and vitamins to get pregnant quickly

The following are the nutrients and vitamins that you need to consume every day to get pregnant quickly:

1. Zinc

Zinc plays a role in maintaining the regularity of the ovulation cycle and the fertility of women. Not only in women, zinc also plays a role in the production of the hormone testosterone and the quality of semen and sperm in men. That is why women are advised to consume zinc as much as 10 mg, while men as much as 13 mg every day. Zinc can be obtained from whole wheat, milk and processed products, shellfish, shrimp, eggs, potatoes, dark chocolate, and nuts.

2. Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex is believed to help the ovaries to release eggs before the fertile period. Examples of B vitamins that are important for maintaining fertility are vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 in particular is believed to be able to increase levels of the hormone progesterone which is beneficial in reducing the risk of pregnancy complications. While folate plays an important role in maintaining egg quality and regular menstruation. Vitamin B complex can be obtained by eating whole grains, green vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts, fish, meat, and milk and its processed products, such as cheese and yogurt.

3. Calcium

Calcium is believed to help maximize the work of the reproductive system, both men and women. In addition, adequate calcium intake can also prevent loss of bone density, especially when you have a pregnancy later. Because the fetus in the womb will take calcium from the body of the mother to build their own bones. Lack of calcium can also increase the risk of preeclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy. Therefore, enough calcium intake of 1000-1200 mg every day. The intake can be fulfilled by consuming foods high in calcium, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, anchovies, almonds, soybeans, and tofu.

4. Iron

Make sure you don't lack iron, because if you don't get enough of these nutrients, you're more likely to have anemia. Anemia tends to disrupt the menstrual cycle, and irregular menstrual cycles can interfere with women's fertility. Iron is widely contained in meat, green vegetables, peas, shrimp, and oatmeal. Within a day, adult men need to get at least 13-15 mg of iron, while women have about 25 mg.

5. Vitamins C and E

Especially for men who want their partners to get pregnant quickly, make sure you get enough vitamin C and E every day. Both of these vitamins can determine sperm quality and increase your partner's chances of getting pregnant. Adult men need to get as much as 90 mg of vitamin C and 15 mg of vitamin E every day. But not only men, women also need to get both these vitamins in order to maintain their health. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for women is 75 mg, while vitamin E is 15 mg. Vitamin C can be obtained from guava, kiwi, tomato, papaya, orange, sweet potato, chili, paprika, and broccoli. Meanwhile, vitamin E can be obtained from nuts, such as peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, as well as fruits, such as avocados, mangoes, and kiwi.

6. Vitamin D

The health of female and male reproductive organs depends on whether or not enough vitamin D intake every day. Lack of vitamin D will increase your risk of experiencing fertility problems (infertility). Therefore, it is important for men and women who want to quickly have a baby to always maintain vitamin D intake of 15-20 mg every day. Some types of food that can be consumed to meet the needs of vitamin D are shrimp, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fish or fish oil. In addition, vitamin D can also be obtained by regularly basking in the morning sun. In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, couples who want to have a baby quickly are also advised to eat other healthy foods, such as foods that contain high antioxidants, omega-3, protein, and Coenzyme Q10. These nutrients can be obtained through a healthy diet or by taking supplements. However, the use of these supplements should be consulted to the doctor first so that you and your partner can get the right dose and type of nutrition. To increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly, this effort must also be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, avoid stress, not smoking, and limit consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages. If you have tried to meet the nutritional and vitamin intake but still do not produce results, consult further with your obstetrician. The doctor will conduct a series of examinations to determine what causes you to have difficulty getting pregnant and provide appropriate treatment.

Pay Attention to the Stage of Pregnancy and the Changes Pregnant Women Are Going to Next

The stage of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. During pregnancy, the body of pregnant women will experience changes and adjust to the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. Then, what are the changes that will be experienced by pregnant women at each stage of the pregnancy? Let's find out. Women experience menstrual cycles every month. When the monthly cycle stops, it could be a sign of early pregnancy. Nevertheless, pregnant women can sometimes experience symptoms similar to menstruation, it's just that the amount of blood that comes out is very small. The cessation of the menstrual cycle is only one of many signs of pregnancy. When gestational age increases, various changes will occur in your body and a number of symptoms also appear. The symptoms and changes that you experience are not always the same, depending on the stage of the pregnancy.

Get to know these stages of pregnancy

Every trimester or stage of pregnancy lasts between 12-14 weeks. As mentioned earlier, pregnant women will experience symptoms and physical changes that may differ in each trimester.

First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual cycle to the 13th week of pregnancy. In this trimester, physical changes are not very visible, but there are some symptoms that you may experience. During the first few weeks of pregnancy, hormone levels will change significantly. As a result of the pregnancy hormone, you will experience several symptoms of pregnancy, such as:
  • The breast feels painful and looks swollen.
  • The body feels tired easily.
  • Morning sickness (morning sickness), but this nausea may occur in the afternoon, evening, or night.
  • Emotions tend to change, for example from happy to anxious, or suddenly sad.
Some other symptoms that can appear during the first trimester are headaches, constipation, feeling more frequent urination, cravings, and changing sexual desire. If you are late for your period and find any of the above symptoms, try to do a pregnancy test with a test pack. If the results are positive, chances are that you have a body of two. When the pregnancy is confirmed, you are advised to start seeing a gynecologist at least 6-8 weeks after the last day of menstruation. This examination aims to ensure pregnancy, check the condition of you and the fetus, as well as determine when further tests are carried out.

Second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from the 13th to the 27th week. Some women may feel more comfortable than the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, nausea usually begins to subside, emotions are more controlled, sexual arousal returns to normal, the body no longer feels tired, and sleeps more soundly. You will also begin to feel the first movements of the fetus. At this stage of pregnancy, physical changes begin to appear and body shape will change a lot. Your stomach and breasts will increase in size, and the skin around your stomach will darken. Stretch marks also begin to appear in several parts of the body, such as breasts, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. Not only that, a number of other symptoms can also arise, including dizziness, back pain, thighs, or pelvis, leg cramps, and vaginal discharge. In certain cases, you can also experience urinary tract infections or fake contractions. Immediately consult a doctor if you feel these symptoms. One nice thing you can experience during the second trimester, is when you can see and know the sex of the baby through ultrasound examination (USG). Typically, doctors start running scanning tests to check the condition of the fetus at around 18-22 weeks' gestation.

Third Trimester

The third trimester is the last stage of pregnancy which lasts from the 28th week until delivery. This stage will test you more physically and emotionally than the previous stage of pregnancy. At this stage of pregnancy, the doctor will advise you to check the uterus more frequently to monitor your condition and the fetus and to determine the appropriate delivery method later. At this stage, changes in body shape are increasingly visible, because the stomach grows. Your weight will increase by around 9-13 kilograms. As a result of this weight gain, back pain that you have felt since the previous trimester can become more severe. You can even experience swelling in the legs. The closer the time of delivery, the fetus will grow bigger. This will make the uterus bigger and possibly compress the chest cavity. As a result, you can feel uncomfortable when breathing. Not only that, increasing the size of the fetus will also suppress your bladder. As a result, you feel like urinating more often. You can also feel anxiety that is worse than the previous stage of pregnancy. Anxiety can be triggered by fear of childbirth or doubt that you are not able to be a good parent. It is recommended that you consult a psychologist if you experience this. Other symptoms that can appear during this third trimester include:
  • The body feels tired quickly.
  • Insomnia.
  • Leg cramps occur more frequently than before.
  • The breast secretes fluid.
  • Dry and itchy skin, especially in the abdomen.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Sexual desire decreased again.
  • Heartburn or painful sensations appear in the chest and upper abdomen (solar plexus).
  • Experience fake contractions more often
During pregnancy, you should pay more attention to the health of yourself and the fetus in the womb. Regular exercise, eating good food for pregnant women, reducing stress, and avoiding unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages, are things that need to be applied. Not only that, make sure you always check the womb regularly to the obstetrician. The doctor will help and give advice regarding how to maintain health during pregnancy. Handling will be done immediately if the doctor discovers disorders or abnormalities, both yourself and the baby in the womb.

Understanding Chronic Tonsillitis and Handling

Chronic tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils that lasts a long time, about 2 weeks or more. Chronic tonsillitis sufferers can often experience recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, medical treatment is needed to treat it. One of them is by surgical removal of tonsils. Tonsillitis occurs when a virus or bacteria causes infection and inflammation in the tonsils. If inflammation of the tonsils that you experience lasts more than 2 weeks and occurs repeatedly, it can be said that you suffer from chronic tonsillitis.

Causes and symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

In chronic tonsillitis, infection or inflammation lasts longer and can recur or recur. Over time, inflammation will cause the formation of tonsil stones that contain bacteria and smell bad. These recurrent infections are generally caused by a number of factors, including:
  • Smoking habit.
  • Weather factor.
  • Treatment of acute tonsillitis that is not complete.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Radiation exposure.
This infection or inflammation will cause the tonsils to enlarge and cause symptoms such as:
  • Long-lasting sore throat.
  • Bad breath.
  • Sleep snoring due to enlarged tonsils, which are glands located in the back wall between the nasal cavity and throat.
  • Sore throat that spreads to the ears and neck.

Management of Chronic Tonsillitis

Management of chronic tonsillitis is done by ENT doctors. Just like acute tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis can also be treated with medication. If tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, then treatment can be given by antibiotics. To relieve pain due to chronic tonsillitis, your doctor may give painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. But for some conditions, the doctor will advise you to undergo tonsillectomy or tonsillectomy. These conditions include:
  • Symptoms that appear more severe and often recur more than 7 times a year or more than 5 times in two years.
  • Daily activities become disturbed, such as difficulty in swallowing, talking, and sleeping.
  • Medications are no longer effective in treating inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Tonsillitis has caused complications, such as sleep apnea, suppurating tonsils, and the spread of infection to other surrounding organs.
Chronic tonsillitis sufferers who have difficulty breathing need to be treated immediately and undergoing hospitalization. If needed, the doctor will perform surgery to overcome the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis. There are several methods in tonsillectomy procedures, ranging from the use of laser beams, sound waves, to conventional operations with a scalpel. The doctor will determine the method to be used based on the severity of the tonsillitis experienced and the patient's overall health condition.

Preparation of Tonsillectomy Surgery

The length of time the surgery depends on the method of surgery performed, but usually the operation lasts about 30 to 60 minutes. Patients are usually allowed to go home the same day or one day after surgery. Before the doctor performs the tonsillar removal procedure, the patient will be given anesthesia or general anesthesia. That is, the patient will fall asleep and feel nothing during the operation. To reduce the risk of vomiting due to side effects of anesthesia, patients will be advised to fast before undergoing surgery. The doctor or nurse will give information when to fast and some other instructions that may and may not be done before the operation. Don't forget to tell your doctor about the medicines or supplements you are taking. Usually, you will be asked to stop taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin and warfarin, at least 1-2 weeks before surgery.

Postoperative Care for Tonsillectomy

After surgery, you will feel pain in the throat area. Sometimes, pain also appears in the ears or neck, but usually will improve within 1-2 weeks by taking pain medication given by a doctor. In addition to taking medicine, here are some ways you can do to relieve pain while speeding up the healing process after surgery:
  • Consume foods that are soft-textured and easily swallowed. Avoid spicy, sour and hard foods that can cause pain and bleeding.
  • Expand the consumption of fluids to prevent dehydration. It is recommended to consume cold drinks, but avoid drinks that contain acids, such as orange juice, so that the pain that appears is not getting worse.
  • Rest at home for two weeks and do not do activities outside the home, for example playing or going to school.
To determine the right treatment steps, chronic tonsillitis needs to be seen by a doctor. After undergoing the examination, the doctor will determine how severe the chronic tonsillitis is and suggest appropriate treatment steps.

Understanding Blood Phobias and Handling

Have you ever felt very scared or panicked when you saw blood? It could be that you have a blood phobia. So, what is the cause and how to overcome it? Let's find out in the following review. A phobia is an excessive fear of a certain object, place, situation, or animal. There are various kinds of phobias, one of which is blood phobia. Blood phobia is known as hemophobia or hematophobia. These phobias include specific types of phobias that are characterized by extreme fear or anxiety when looking at blood, whether their own blood, other people, animals, and even blood in the form of images or shows on television. If the phobia condition is severe enough, people with hemophobia can faint at the sight of blood.

Symptoms of Blood Phobia

Blood phobia is a type of mental disorder. Usually people who have blood phobias also suffer from syringe phobias (trypanophobia). In hemophobia, symptoms can be triggered only by looking at the blood, both directly and indirectly, for example when viewing photos or videos that show blood. Some people with blood phobias can even experience symptoms just by imagining blood or certain medical procedures, such as blood tests or surgery. When looking at or thinking about things related to blood, people with blood phobias can show the following symptoms:
  • Trembling and sweating
  • Excessive anxiety or panic
  • The body feels weak suddenly
  • The heart beats fast
  • Rapid or heavy breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Passed out
  • Nausea and vomiting
A person can be sure to have a blood phobia if the symptoms that appear when seeing the blood persist for more than 6 months.

Impact of Blood Phobia on Daily Life of Sufferers

Blood phobia and syringe phobias are unique phobias. While most phobias cause heart rate and blood pressure to rise, blood phobias and phobic syringes are just the opposite. This type of phobia can sometimes cause a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, so it often causes the sufferer to faint. This condition is called vasovagal syncope, which is an excessive body reaction to things that trigger fainting, for example when looking at blood. Some people with blood phobias are usually afraid to see a general practitioner or dentist. The impact is also varied and different for each person. In severe conditions, hemophobia sufferers can experience depression and limit their activities due to excessive fear of blood. However, people with blood phobias actually realize that excessive fear. However, most of them are powerless to control it. Meanwhile, children who suffer from blood phobias usually show symptoms, such as tantrums, crying, and avoid and refuse to see anything related to blood by hiding or hugging the closest person.

Risk Factors for Blood Phobias

Hematophobia often appears in childhood, which is around the age of 10-13 years. This phobia usually appears together with other phobias, such as agoraphobia, trypanophobia (fear of syringes), mysophobia (fear of germs), and certain animal phobias. In addition, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk for having a blood phobia, including:
  • Heredity.
  • Child care patterns, for example, have parents who are too protective.
  • History of psychological trauma, such as having experienced an accident or seeing an accident that causes a lot of blood.

Handling of Blood Phobias

Almost every type of phobia can be treated and cured, blood phobia is no exception. Handling of blood phobias can be done in the following ways:

1. Psychotherapy

People with blood phobias usually need to undergo psychotherapy. One form of psychotherapy that is effective in dealing with blood phobias is cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy aims to help patients change their perspective and how to behave towards a problem, in this case is the feeling of excessive fear of blood. Thus, the patient can control his fear when he sees blood.

2. Relaxation therapy

This type of psychotherapy focuses on relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Relaxation therapy aims to deal with stress, anxiety, and other symptoms that arise when looking at blood.

3. Use of drugs

In some cases of blood phobias, especially those that cause severe symptoms, the doctor will give medicines to deal with excessive anxiety. This procedure aims to make the patient more calm and focused undergoing other treatment processes. Some types of drugs that are usually given by doctors to treat blood phobias are sedatives to treat anxiety and antidepressant drugs.

4. Desensitization

This therapy is done in stages by involving objects that cause fear, namely blood. However, this therapy can only be done when the patient has begun to show improvement in symptoms at the sight of blood. In this therapy, the patient will be asked to undergo a test by seeing blood several times from an image or film. That way, it is hoped that anxiety and fear can gradually diminish and disappear completely. In addition to the above methods, there are other treatment methods that can be done to overcome blood phobias, one of which is hypnotherapy. However, this technique must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is recommended that you immediately consult a psychologist or psychiatrist if you begin to feel symptoms of blood phobias, especially if they begin to limit your activities.

Early Stage Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Prevention

Symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer are rarely seen, and may even cause no symptoms at all until the cancer cells spread to the surrounding tissue. Because it is recommended to do a Pap smear to detect cervical cancer and can be continued with precancerous treatment. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in cervical cells located in the part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina. Human papillomavirus or HPV is the cause of most cases of cervical cancer, which is one sexually transmitted disease that is highly transmitted through sexual contact and / or direct skin contact to the skin in the genital area. Symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer generally do not show any signs. Symptoms will be seen when the cancer has spread in the surrounding tissue. Symptoms that can appear include:
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of cervical cancer. Bleeding can occur between menstrual periods or after sex. This bleeding can also occur in women who are menopausal, and this condition is a sign of cervical cancer or other serious conditions.
  • In addition to vaginal bleeding, watery and bloody vaginal discharge can also be a symptom of cervical cancer. In addition, vaginal discharge can also have a foul odor, clear or brownish in color.
  • Pelvic pain or during intercourse.
Most people who are infected with HPV do not experience any symptoms. But, there are several types of HPV viruses that can cause symptoms that look like genital warts or cancer. After these initial symptoms appear, it will usually be followed by other more severe symptoms such as: pelvic pain, difficulty urinating or defecating, weight loss, body feeling weak, to the swelling of one or both legs. Usually more severe symptoms of cervical cancer appear in advanced stage cervical cancer. There is no way to prevent cervical cancer completely, but the following ways you can do to reduce the risk of having cervical cancer:

Cervical screening or pap smears

Pap smears are the best way to identify changes in early cervical cells. Symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer can be detected by seeing whether there are abnormal cells in the cervix or cervix. By detecting and removing abnormal cervical cells can prevent cervical cancer. Pap smears are recommended for women aged 25-49 years every 3 years. Whereas for women aged 50-64 once a year. Women over 65 years old are required to have a pap smear if they have not done this procedure since 50 years old. In addition to pap smear examination, HPV examination or so-called HPV DNA Test is also recommended to find out whether there is an HPV virus that can cause cancer of the cervix. This examination is recommended to be performed on women aged 30 years and over.

Having safe sex

Most cervical cancers are related to infections from the human papilloma virus (HPV) which can spread through unsafe sex. For example, changing partners and doing sexual activity at an early age. The use of condoms can reduce the risk of spreading this virus infection. HPV can also be transmitted through penetrative sex such as skin-to-skin contact in the genital area or using sex aids interchangeably.

Vaccination of cervical cancer

Although the HPV vaccine can reduce the risk of cervical cancer, it does not guarantee you will not experience cervical cancer. You are still advised to undergo a pap smear to detect cervical cancer. This vaccine is recommended to be given to women aged 12-13 years and repeated every 6 months for 3 times the administration.

Avoid cigarettes

Smoking can cause you to not be able to fight HPV infection which is likely to turn into cancer from the body. Know and learn ways to stop smoking and consult your doctor. Do not wait until the symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer appear, do a pap smear immediately if you feel you are at risk of being infected with the HPV virus. If other symptoms appear related to the health of your uterus, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
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